Isaacs Art Center

Nicole Gomes

Nicole Keola Gomes, Wood Artist

I like to think of myself as a “wood artist specializing in furniture making”.  It seems less serious and more creative, which is what I like to express in my work.  Ideally in my creative process I start with a general idea of what I want to make.  Rather than having a design set in stone, I concentrate more on a “feeling” or “essence” that I, or the client, wants in the piece and let the design follow that feeling as I go through the building process. This is very rewarding because I always end up with a design that I could never have imagined before starting the piece.  Under all of that, however, is an understanding and respect of traditional joinery techniques and a desire to build a sturdy, functional piece that will be a pleasure to use for generations.

Born and raised in Hawi, North Kohala.  Significantly influenced as a child by my father, a successful guitar and ukulele maker, who has always had a deep reverence for the beauty of wood, attention to detail and fine craftsmanship.

Studied furniture making at San Diego State University (2004-2007) under Wendy Maruyama.  This is where came into the technical world of furniture making.  I challenged myself to learning the most I could of traditional joinery techniques.  Form follows function!

Returned to Hawaii, worked in Heartwood Works woodshop 2008-2010.  Since then, I have worked on my own.  I now balance my shop time with being a mother to two young boys.  I am very thankful to my supportive family and every day I feel blessed and grateful I am able do what fulfills me.